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中文摘要: 考虑到低温腐蚀问题,燃煤电站锅炉机组排烟温度一般在120~140 ℃,部分锅炉的排烟热损失达10%~20%,烟气中水蒸气占到烟气量的12%~16%。回收烟气中的水分能有效地消除“白色烟羽”现象。介绍了冷凝换热器法、膜凝汽器法和溶液吸收法3种烟气余热和水分综合回收技术,并进行了比较分析,指出了技术发展的趋势,以期为燃煤电站的节能环保提供参考。
中文关键词: 燃煤电站|白色烟羽|余热回收|水分回收
Abstract:Considering the problem of low temperature corrosion, the exhaust temperature of coal-fired power station boiler units is generally between 120℃ and 140℃, and the heat loss of exhaust gas is in the range of 10%~20%, and the water vapor in the flue gas accounts for 12%~16% of the flue gas volume, and the moisture in the flue gas can effectively eliminate the “white plume” phenomenon. Three kinds of flue gas waste heat and water comprehensive recovery technology of condensing, namely heat exchanger method are introduced, membrane condenser method and solution absorption method are introduced, and comparative analysis is conducted. The trend of technology development is pointed out, which provides reference for energy saving and environmental protection for coal-fired power stations.
文章编号:201901008 中图分类号:TK219 文献标志码:
TU Zhao,JIANG Weiting,PAN Weiguo,et al.Study on Technology of Comprehensive Utilization of Waste Heat and Water in Coal Flue Gas[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2019,35(1):36-42.
TU Zhao,JIANG Weiting,PAN Weiguo,et al.Study on Technology of Comprehensive Utilization of Waste Heat and Water in Coal Flue Gas[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2019,35(1):36-42.