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中文摘要: 吴泾热电厂采用"缺氧/好氧-膜生物反应器(AO-MBR)+紫外消毒"工艺进行了生活污水处理系统改造,通过一体化AO-MBR设备实现了污染物的高效去除,出水可稳定达到《城市污水再生利用工业用水水质》(GB/T 19923—2005)"敞开式循环冷却水系统补充水"标准的要求,可作为工业用水和消防用水的补充。该系统通过耦合同步膜浓缩消化工艺实现了污泥源头大幅度减量。100 m3/d的工程实践表明,该工艺具有出水水质好、占地面积小、污泥产率低、自动化程度高等优点。
Abstract:The "Anoxic/Oxic with MBR + ultraviolet (AO-MBR + UV) disinfection" process was applied in Wujing Thermal Power Plant for upgrading of the domestic wastewater treatment system,and achieved efficient pollutants removal by integrated AO-MBR equipment.The effluent can be reused as industrial water and fire water,with its quality complying with requirement of open-type supplementary water for circulating cooling water system specified in The reuse of urban recycling water——Water quality standard for industrial uses (GB/T 19923—2005).The significant sludge reduction was achieved by coupling with the system with membrane sludge thickening and digestion.Operation results of the 100 m3/d project showed that the process had advantages of excellent effluent quality,small footprint,low sludge production and high automation.
文章编号:20205008 中图分类号:TU992 文献标志码:
作者 | 单位 | |
葛洪 | 上海电力股份有限公司吴泾热电厂 | |
顾锦绣 | 上海电力股份有限公司吴泾热电厂 | |
张坚明 | 上海电力股份有限公司吴泾热电厂 | |
姚建强 | 上海电力股份有限公司吴泾热电厂 | |
安莹 | 上海电力大学 | |
李宇杰 | 上海天泽宇杰环境工程有限公司 | |
戴世峰 | 上海电力股份有限公司吴泾热电厂 | |
周振 | 上海电力大学 | zhouzhen@shiep.edu.cn |
GE Hong,GU Jinxiu,ZHANG Jianming,et al.Full-scale Application of Membrane Bioreactor in Domestic Wastewater Treatment and Sludge Reduction in a Power Plant[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2020,36(5):456-460.
GE Hong,GU Jinxiu,ZHANG Jianming,et al.Full-scale Application of Membrane Bioreactor in Domestic Wastewater Treatment and Sludge Reduction in a Power Plant[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2020,36(5):456-460.