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中文摘要: 随着物联网技术的快速发展,智能家居系统使人们的生活变得更加便利和舒适,然而随之带来的安全隐患越来越受到关注。参照智能家居安全相关研究:首先介绍了基于物联网智能家居的相关知识和总体框架;然后通过文献分析,重点探讨了智能家居中的身份认证和通信安全问题,并对系统中数据存储安全和访问控制机制进行了研究,指出了智能家居系统面临的一些安全问题;最后对未来研究热点进行了展望。
Abstract:With the rapid development of the Internet of Things,smart homes have made people’s lives more convenient and comfortable.However,the consequent security risks have also attracted more and more attention.This paper refers to the research on smart home security.Firstly,it introduces the relevant knowledge and the overall framework of smart home based on the Internet of things.Then through the literature analysis,the paper focuses on the analysis of authentication and communication security in the smart home,studies the security of data storage and access control mechanism,points out some security problems in the smart home system.Finally,it predicts the future research direction.
文章编号:20211013 中图分类号:TP301 文献标志码:
CHEN Jiasheng,WANG Liangliang.Research and Prospects of Smart Home Communication Security[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2021,37(1):67-72.
CHEN Jiasheng,WANG Liangliang.Research and Prospects of Smart Home Communication Security[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2021,37(1):67-72.