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中文摘要: 根据风光互补系统发电的原理、蓄电池充放电的原理、系统的控制策略,结合了上海电力大学临港校区的客观条件,采用双侧交错式布置风光互补发电LED路灯。结合校园生活的使用需求,计算得出了路灯的照明参数和配件参数,并对路灯改造项目进行效益的对比分析,说明风光互补路灯在临港校区是可行的。
Abstract:Based on the knowledge background of the principle of power generation as well as battery charging,discharging,and the control strategies of the systems,the paper adopted a double-sided staggered LED street lamp of wind solar complementary power generation for Shanghai University of Electric Power,combining with the objective conditions of the Lingang Campus.The lighting parameters of the street lamps and the parameters of other accessories are calculated according to the using requirements of the campus life.The comparative analysis of the benefits of the streetlight transformation project proves that the complementary streetlight in Lingang campus is feasible.
文章编号:20214014 中图分类号:TM914.4 文献标志码:
作者 | 单位 | |
刘世建 | 上海电力大学 | liusj@fudan.edu.cn |
贾昌昊 | 中铁一局集团电务工程有限公司 |
LIU Shijian,JIA Changhao.Wind-solar Hybrid Street Lamp’s Working Schedule and Cost Analysis[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2021,37(4):391-394.
LIU Shijian,JIA Changhao.Wind-solar Hybrid Street Lamp’s Working Schedule and Cost Analysis[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2021,37(4):391-394.