基于BEST的1 000 MW二次再热机组低压加热器疏水系统优化研究
(上海电力大学 能源与机械工程学院)
Optimization of Low-plus Hydrophobic System Based on BEST 1 000 MW Secondary Reheat Unit
(School of Energy and Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai University of Electric Power, Shanghai 200090, China)
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中文摘要: 对1 000 MW二次再热BEST机组低压加热器(以下简称"低加")疏水系统进行研究。通过对无疏水泵、1台疏水泵和2台疏水泵以及疏水泵在低加的不同位置确定了21种方案。利用Ebsilon软件对提出的21种方案进行仿真计算,比较分析不同疏水方案下机组的热经济性。结果表明:设置1台疏水泵时优选在11#低加设置疏水泵的方案,系统发电热耗率可达到6 986.640 kJ/kWh,比无疏水泵的方案减少了5.202 kJ/kWh;设置2台疏水泵时优选在8#和11#低加设置疏水泵的方案,系统发电热耗率可达到6 985.601 kJ/kWh,比无疏水泵的方案减少了6.241 kJ/kWh。
中文关键词: BEST机组  低压加热器  疏水系统  经济性
Abstract:The 1 000 MW secondary repurious BEST unit low-voltage heater hydrophobic system is studied, using Ebsilon software to simulate the proposed 21 different low-plus-hydrophobic arrangement schemes, and the thermal economy of the unit under different hydrophobic programs is compared.The results show that when a hydrophobic pump is provided, it is preferable to add a hydrophobic pump at No.11 low, and the system generates electricity consumption can reach 6 986.64 kJ/kWh, which is reduced by 5.202 kJ/kWh;When two hydrophobic pumps are provided, it is preferable to set up a hydrophobic pump at No.8 and 11, and the system power consumption rate can reach 6 985.601 kJ/kWh, which is reduced by 6.241 kJ/kWh comparing with the solution of no hydrophobic pump.
文章编号:20232006     中图分类号:TM621    文献标志码:
金亚飞,王渡,魏佳倩.基于BEST的1 000 MW二次再热机组低压加热器疏水系统优化研究[J].上海电力大学学报,2023,39(2):131-136.
JIN Yafei,WANG Du,WEI Jiaqian.Optimization of Low-plus Hydrophobic System Based on BEST 1 000 MW Secondary Reheat Unit[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2023,39(2):131-136.