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中文摘要: 针对旋转式地面电场仪能耗大、信号微弱、易受电磁干扰等问题,设计了一种新型微功耗大气电场传感器。该传感器通过驱动电子开关模拟传统传感器的屏蔽和去屏蔽过程,从而减小仪器能耗,延长电池持续供电时间。采用I/V转换器将传感器感应到的2路电流信号转为电压信号,并经过差分信号放大电路来消除工频干扰和共模影响。通过四阶带通滤波器进行滤波,进一步提高信噪比,并通过同步相敏检波器处理后得到了与场强成正比例关系的直流电压。经过16位模数转换器采样,测得大气场强的大小,试验验证了该系统在-50~50 kV/m场强范围内,测量分辨力可达10 V/m,测量线性度小于1%。
Abstract:A new micro-power atmospheric electric field sensor is developed to tackle issues present in the current rotating ground electric field instrument,such as high energy consumption, weak signals, and susceptibility to electromagnetic interference. The sensor replicates the mechanical rotational arrangement of typical sensors. An electronic switch is triggered,leading to diminished energy usage and a prolonged duration of uninterrupted battery power for the instrument. The current signals are converted to voltage signals by the I/V converter,followed by differentiation of the output signals to eliminate industrial frequency interference and common mode effects. The signal-to-noise ratio is further enhanced by filtering with a fourth-order bandpass filter. Finally,the DC voltage,which is proportional to the electric field’s strength,is obtained using a phase-sensitive detector. After conducting 16-bit ADC sampling,measurements are obtained for atmospheric field strength. The test confirms that the system is capable of measuring up to 10 V/m within the range of −50~50 kV/m field strength,with a measurement linearity of <1%.
文章编号:20242009 中图分类号:TM937.1 文献标志码:
基金项目:国网上海电力公司科技创新项目 (2020-073)。
作者 | 单位 | |
吕泽洲 | 上海电力大学 | lvzezhou1@163.com |
朱武 | 上海电力大学 | |
王光东 | 国网上海电力崇明供电公司 |
LÜ Zezhou,ZHU Wu,WANG Guangdong.Design and Implementation of a Micro-Power Atmospheric Electric Field Instrument[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2024,40(2):150-155,177.
LÜ Zezhou,ZHU Wu,WANG Guangdong.Design and Implementation of a Micro-Power Atmospheric Electric Field Instrument[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2024,40(2):150-155,177.