Journal of ShangHai University of Electric Power :1998,14(2):19-26
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Output一holding Analysis of Input of Power一producing Enterprises
(Department of Economics & Management)
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Received:April 07, 1998    
中文摘要: 结合电力生产部门的产品具有不可贮存、生产与消费同时完成并占用价值很高的生产设备等特点,设计了电力生产部门投入占用产出表,并给出了投入产出数学模型、占用产出数学模型及各种占用物的占用分析方法。笔者以《1992年中国投入产出表》为基础,编制了电力生产部门投入占用产出表,并进行了投入产出、占用产出的分析,所得到的消耗系数、占用系数、分配系数、最终使用结构系数等为电力部门决策提供了有用的信息。
中文关键词: 电力部门  投入产出  占用产出
Abstract:In view of the fact that power-producing enterprises have such features as impossibility of storing products, simultaneity of production and consumption, and the high value of production facilities, this paper formulates the structure of the output-holding sheet of inputs of power enterprises, and on the basis of which this paper proposes mathematical models of input -output, models of output-holding and methods for value -holding analysis of various value-holding assets. On the basis of China's Input-output Sheet of 1992, this paper composes the sheet of output-holding of inputs of Powe Enterprises of 1992, and analyzes the ratio of output -input, the output -holding, the consumption index, output -holding index, distribution index and the structural index for final application, and supplies power enterprises with considerable information for their decision-making.
文章编号:19980204     中图分类号:    文献标志码:
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