Journal of ShangHai University of Electric Power :2003,19(1):33-36
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(上海电力学院 信息与计算科学系, 上海 200090)
Analysis of the Investment Value for Communication Equipment Companies
(Department of Information and Computing Science, Shanghai University of Electric Power, Shanghai 200090, China)
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Received:September 03, 2001    
中文摘要: 分析了通信设备类公司在 2000年、2001年资本市场中的总体表现, 并与整个证券市场进行比较, 初步探讨这类公司的投资价值, 及在奥运商机、WTO中的发展前景
中文关键词: 通信设备  上市公司  投资价值
Abstract:The operation of communication equipment companies as a whole in the capital market in the year of 2000 and 2001 is herein analyzed in relation with the whole securities market.The primary investment value of the listed communication equipment companies is studied, the prospect of those companies is discussed in view of opportunities deriving from Beijing 2008 Olympic Games and China's entering WTO.
文章编号:20030107     中图分类号:    文献标志码:
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