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Received:June 28, 2011
Received:June 28, 2011
中文摘要: 论述了大型光伏系统直接并入输电网的可行性.大型光伏电站接入输电网时,采用两级式变换器,前级DC/DC推挽电路实现最大功率跟踪控制;后级DC/AC采用电压型PWM逆变器,可以方便地对光伏电站进行扩容,并稳定直流母线电压,实现光伏阵列的最大功率输出.最后在MATLAB/SIMULINK仿真平台上搭建两级式三相并网光伏发电系统仿真模型,并进行控制策略仿真.结果表明光伏并网系统能够稳定运行.
Abstract:The possibility of connecting large-scale PV power system directly to the transmission network is discussed.There is two-scale converter,pre-class DC /DC which realizes MPPT functional; back stage DC /AC,formed by the voltage inverter,which can realize substation expansion and voltage stability of DC bus,in the photovoltaic power system.Then large-scale photovoltaic plant is connected to transmission network.Finally,model of system is simulated based on MATLAB /SIMULINK simulation platform,especially the control strategy simulation.The results show that the photovoltaic system can run stably.
文章编号:20110605 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
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