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Received:July 04, 2011
Received:July 04, 2011
中文摘要: 介绍了电动汽车接入电网的相关概念和系统架构,阐述了其在调峰服务、旋转备用服务、调频服务和储能服务等方面的优势,进一步分析了其经济价值和社会价值.总结了电动汽车的接入对电网规划和输配电网的影响,并指出了其中的关键问题及研究重点.
中文关键词: 电动汽车 电动汽车接入电网技术 可再生能源
Abstract:A review of the concept and the scheme of V2G is made,and its advantages inproviding peak power,spinning reserves,regulation services and renewable energy storage and
backup are highlighted,which shows huge economic and social values on the power system. Theimpacts of electric vehicles on power network planning and transmission /distribution networks aresummarized and important problems with utilization are pointed out.
文章编号:20120411 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
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