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Received:July 04, 2011
Received:July 04, 2011
中文摘要: 提出了一种基于肤色和人脸形状约束的正面人脸封闭轮廓提取方法.首先在YCgCr空间中对图像数据进行阈值分析,建立肤色模型,并通过肤色模型对肤色区域进行初定位,再经过对肤色区域的连通区域标记,进而根据区域像素数量筛选去除非人脸区域.然后提取人脸初步轮廓,并结合人脸形态比例去除颈部轮廓.最后通过相关形态参数构建出人脸下巴轮廓,最终得到一个连续、封闭的人脸轮廓.
Abstract:A new method for frontal face contour extraction is proposed. Firstly,the skin color regions are located using the skin color model in YCgCr color space. Then,the false face regions are filtered and the preliminary face contour is extracted. Finally,the whole continuous and close face contour is obtained by extracting upper face contour in the face region and extracting chin contour through face morphology ratio.
文章编号:20120415 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
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