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Received:November 11, 2013
Received:November 11, 2013
中文摘要: 电站煤粉锅炉炉内过程是一个复杂的非线性时变过程,在传统的线性分析基础上引入非线性分析方法具有一定的现实意义.基于分形原理,以某电厂超超临界1 000 MW机组为例,针对电站8种典型工况分别对大量炉膛压力序列进行R/S分析,计算得到炉内压力序列的Hurst指数,分析了炉内压力波动情况与其Hurst指数间的关系,以期为锅炉燃烧优化调整提供有益的指导.
Abstract:The furnace process of pulverized coal boiler is a complex nonlinear process. Based on the fractal theory, taking a 1 000 MW Ultra Supercritical Units as an example, an R/S analysis is made of a large amount of furnace pressure sequence which is classified into 8 typical conditions, the Hurst index is computed, the relationship between the furnace pressure fluctuation and its Hurst index is analysed. These researches could provide useful guidance for the adjustment and optimization of boiler combustion.
文章编号:20140313 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
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