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Received:August 26, 2014
Received:August 26, 2014
中文摘要: 阐述了我国建设特高压电网的优点和必要性,探索了我国部分风电场产能无法消纳的原因.对解决风电消纳问题的各种应对措施进行了分析,同时也解析了我国目前环保问题的严重性以及原因,论证了建设特高压电网是目前解决风电并网消纳问题和电力生产导致的环保问题的最有效途径.
Abstract:The advantages and necessity of the construction of UHV power grid are described, and the reasons of wind power under consumption of some wind farms are analyzed.Then various measures to the problems of wind power consumption and also the severity and the reasons of current environmental issues in the world are analyzed, then it is stated that the construction of UHV power grid is the most effective channel of wind power network digestion problems and environmental problems of electricity production.
文章编号:20140501 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
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