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Received:July 08, 2014
Received:July 08, 2014
中文摘要: 介绍了Aspen Plus软件的物性数据库、单元操作模块和系统实现策略3个组成部分及其特点,以及该软件在烟气脱碳系统中的应用步骤,并通过实例模拟加以验证.当600 MW机组烟气质量流量约为2 000t/h时,计算得到采用MEA的脱碳效率约为86%,与实验得到的数据(85%)相差无几.
中文关键词: Aspen Plus软件 脱碳 模拟 优化
Abstract:The components and features of physical property database, unit operation modules and system implementation strategy in Aspen Plus software are introduced, its applications and operating procedures of carbon removal system in flue gas are explained and verified by simulation examples.It is indicated that flue gas mass flow rate is about 2000t/h in 600 WM units, the decarbonization efficiency is about 86%, which is very close to the data obtained from experiments.
文章编号:20140505 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
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