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Received:November 25, 2016
Received:November 25, 2016
中文摘要: 基于图像处理的在线检测技术在现代工业零件加工过程中倍受重视.以零件的在线检测技术为研究对象,给出了从原始图像采集到得出测量结果的相关处理方法,包括图像的信号预处理、边缘特征提取等.基于Hough坐标变换提取了零件直线参数;获得了零件的像素空间尺寸,并与标准件进行了校验标定,得出了零件的实际物理尺寸.实验数据表明,与标准件相比误差满足要求.
Abstract:The on-line detection system based on computer vision is a typical modern measurement technology which is widely used in the manufacturing industry.The main items for the real time measurement technique of the CNC lathe is presented,including the object size obtained and image processing.Some researches are carried out,in which the Hough transform is applied to obtain the linear feature.Then,the physical size is transformed by the pixel-equivalent which is calculated by the system calibration.The experiment result is satisfactory.
文章编号:201600615 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
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