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Received:June 09, 2016
Received:June 09, 2016
中文摘要: 利用树莓派这种体积小、成本低、便于携带的微型主机实现了一个电能监测ZigBee网络的多网融合网关,并基于非阻塞异步I/O,实现了PC端和手机端的并发访问.各部分功能均通过实验进行了验证.
Abstract:Raspberry Pi,which is of small size,low price and light to carry,is used as a gateway of one electricity monitoring ZigBee networks.And based on non-blocking asynchronous I/O,the concurrent visit from both PC and mobile phone is realized.All the part of the gateway is verified through experiments.
文章编号:201600620 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
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