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Received:September 30, 2015
Received:September 30, 2015
中文摘要: 在不同环境介质和温度下,对三元乙丙橡胶(EPDM)进行了人工加速老化实验,分析了老化前后的橡胶试样的宏观力学性能.研究发现,橡胶在不同介质中经过不同温度和不同时间的老化后,硬度值和拉伸强度都发生了明显的变化,尤其在去离子水介质中老化速度最快,力学性能降低程度最严重.
Abstract:EPDM are applied to different solution and temperature in the simulation environment of aging laboratory simulation experiments,through the rubber samples before and after aging macro-mechanical analysis.EPDM aging at different temperatures and at different times,its hardness and tensile strength have undergone significant changes.Through the research on the changes of hardness and tensile strength of EPDM rubber in degradation process,it is found that the extent of aging is most serious in deionized water.The research of EPDM can help its stabilization and enlarging its application areas.
文章编号:20160411 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
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