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Received:April 29, 2016
Received:April 29, 2016
中文摘要: 为得到氧化铈颗粒的辐射特性,通过溴化钾压片法得到了随机分散的氧化铈粒子系,并利用紫外/可见/近红外分光光度计和傅里叶红外光谱仪测量了氧化铈粒子系在0.4~25 μm的透射率,计算了粒子系衰减系数以及单个颗粒衰减因子.结果表明,氧化铈颗粒在可见光至中红外波段有较高的吸收能力.
Abstract:In order to acquire the radiative property of cerium oxide particles,the particle suspension is prepared by the KBr pellet method,and the cerium oxide particles in the 0.4~25 μm transmittance are measured by the spectrophotometer and FTIR.The extinction coefficient of the cerium oxide particles is calculated.The result shows that the cerium oxide particles has high absorption ability in the visible light to mid-infrared spectrum.
文章编号:20181006 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
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