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Received:March 06, 2018
Received:March 06, 2018
中文摘要: 热电联产能有效提高煤电机组的经济性,减少CO2的排放。电热比可衡量这类机组节能收益的高低。对一般热用户供热时,通过对比亚临界、超临界、超超临界机组的电热比,以及一次再热机组和二次再热机组的电热比,分别得出了超超临界机组、二次再热机组供热更经济合理的结论。针对热电联产机组的变负荷运行,分析了3类机组适应负荷变化的灵活性,得知超超临界机组更灵活。对高压热用户供热时,二次再热机组供热更经济,可采取切换供热源的方法使供热蒸汽压力适应机组负荷的变化。
Abstract:Combined supply of heat and power can effectively improve the economy of large coal-fired power units and reduce carbon dioxide emissions.The electricity-heat ratio can help to measure the economy of such units.In the case of supplying heat to general thermal users,by comparing the electric ratio of subcritical,supercritical and ultra-supercritical units,and single-reheat and double-reheat units,it is concluded that the ultra-supercritical unit and double-reheat units are more economical and rational.According to the variable load operation of cogeneration units,the flexibility of the three kinds of units to adapt to load changes is analyzed,and it is concluded that the ultra-supercritical unit is more flexible.For high-pressure hot users heating,the double-reheat units are more economical,and the method of heat sources switching can be used to make the heating steam pressure to adapt to the unit load changes.
keywords: combined supply of heat and power electricity-heat ratio heat sources load changes high-pressure hot users
文章编号:20182011 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
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