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Received:June 02, 2021
Received:June 02, 2021
中文摘要: 对某电厂2×660 MW超超临界机组锅炉后屏过热器使用国产TP347HFG奥氏体不锈钢投产约6个月即发生大面积氧化皮脱落问题进行了分析, 并给出了相应的预控措施。认为国产TP347HFG奥氏体不锈钢在制作工艺上还有待优化和提高; 并建议国产TP347HFG奥氏体不锈钢用于超(超)临界锅炉高温受热面管材必须做内壁喷丸处理, 防止氧化皮脱落导致爆管事故的发生。另外, 认为给水加氧未采用自动投加可能是促使氧化皮提前脱落的另一重要原因。
中文关键词: TP347HFG奥氏体不锈钢 氧化皮 剥落 内壁喷丸
Abstract:An analysis is made and countermeasures are given on the large area exfoliation of the oxide scale at the rear platen superheater of the 2 × 660 MW Ultra-supercritical boilers, which are made of domestic TP347HFG austenitic stainless steel, and have just been put into operation for about 6 months.It is considered that the manufacturing process of domestic TP347HFG austenitic stainless steel needs to be optimized and improved.It is also recommended that domestic TP347HFG austenitic stainless steel for elevated temperature heating pipe of the ultra-super critical boiler must be treated with internal surface shot peening to prevent pipe explosion accidents caused by oxide exfoliation.In addition, the non-automatic feeding of feed water may be another important reason for the oxidation scale to fall off early.
文章编号:20221010 中图分类号:TK229.2 文献标志码:
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