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Received:October 15, 2020
Received:October 15, 2020
中文摘要: 针对现有技术对通信辐射源个体识别率低、占据计算资源的问题, 进行了无线通信辐射源特征提取和分类以及物理层认证的相关研究, 提出了一种基于轴向积分双谱(AIB)和灰色关联分类器(GRC)的通信辐射源个体识别模型。首先将预处理的辐射源无线信号进行双谱变换, 提取二维双谱特征, 然后以AIB和主成分分析(PCA)理论进行一维特征映射及降维, 最后通过GRC实现无线通信辐射源的物理层识别。该模型具备认证速度快、计算复杂度低、多系统易移植等特点, 且无需考虑各种通信协议及编码设定。
Abstract:Based on the problems on unsatisfied recognition accuracy rate and computational power resources overuse, relevant research is taken on physical layer authentication, which is mainly divided into features extraction and classification.This paper purposes a method about individual identification of communication emitter based on axially integrated bispectra and gray relation classification.Firstly, bispectral features were extracted from preprocessed signals, and dimension reduction task was finished through axially integrated bispectra(AIB) and principal component analysis(PCA).Secondly, according to simple and informative features, the last part of physical-layer authentication was finished by gray relation classification.This model characterizes high authentication speed, low computation complexity, and multiple system transplantation without taking various communication protocol into account.
keywords: axially integrated bispectra principal component analysis gray relation classification physical layer authentication
文章编号:20221013 中图分类号:TN918 文献标志码:
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(62076160, 51806135, 61603239)
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