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中文摘要: 太阳能光电水泵由于其简单可靠,在无电地区得到了广泛的应用.目前一般的光电水泵系统都是采用直联方式,即光伏方阵直接与电机水泵机组相连接.然而,在这种情况下,电机水泵机组并不在其最佳工作点运转.本文介绍一种转换连接方式,即在光伏方阵与电机水泵机组之间加上蓄电池和控制器,这样可充分利用光伏能量.本文对此进行了较详细的分析.
Abstract:Photovoltaic pumping systems are widely used due to their simplicity and reliability. "Directly coupled" systems are currently in general use, where a PV array is directly coupled to a motor-pump group. The group is not, however, working at its optimum operation point. In this paper, a "switching-mode" PV pumping system is presented. The system introduces a battery and a controller between the PV array and the motor-pump group. The objective is maximum utilization of available solar energy. A detailed analysis is given.
文章编号:19960105 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
Yang Jinhuan,Chen Zhonghua,Liu Jun,et al.Performance Analysis of Switching - mode Photovoltaic Pumping System[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,1996,12(1):25-30.
Yang Jinhuan,Chen Zhonghua,Liu Jun,et al.Performance Analysis of Switching - mode Photovoltaic Pumping System[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,1996,12(1):25-30.