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中文摘要: 集散控制系统的冗余方式是多种多样的,这给系统设计带来了许多方便和选择余地.怎样选取合适的冗余方式,才能使系统增加可靠性和系统合理的性价比已成为设计的关键问题.介绍了DCS中冗余设计的几种方法,其中涉及电源、控制器、I/O模块、通信电缆,以及整个控制系统的冗余问题,并对冗余方式的可靠性进行了分析.
Abstract:There are many types of redundancy mode of distributed control systems, which offer many convenience and choices for system design. How to choose the right redundancy mode becomes the key for design. Several methods of the design of redundancy of distributed control systems are introduced, including the redundancy for power supply, controller,I/O modules,communication cables and the integral system. The reliability of the redundancy is also analyzed.
文章编号:20020112 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
Author Name | Affiliation |
MENG Li | East China Electric Power Designing Institute, Shanghai 200063, China |
MENG Li.Investigation on the Redundancy of Distributed Control Systems[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2002,18(1):49-54.
MENG Li.Investigation on the Redundancy of Distributed Control Systems[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2002,18(1):49-54.