(1.上海电力学院环境工程系国家电力公司热力设备腐蚀与防护(部级)重点实验室, 上海 200090;2.中国科学院上海冶金研究所, 上海 200050)
Conductivity Transformation of Thin Oil Film in Electrolyte
(1.Dept of Environmental Engineering, Shanghai University of Electric Power, Key Laboratory of State Power Corporation of China, Shanghai 200090, China;2.Shanghai Institute of Metallurgy, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200050, China)
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中文摘要: 薄层油膜在电解质中的电位变化是一个电化学过程.采用组合式微电极研究了薄层油膜在 5 % Na2SO4溶液中导电机制转变行为.结果表明 :薄层油膜在电解质溶液中存在导电机制由电子导体向离子导体转变现象,表现为薄层油膜在浸泡初期,电位随时间变化发生正移.当浸泡一段时间后,薄层油膜的电位开始随时间变化发生负移.理论分析说明 :当油膜为电子导体时,所测得的电位值实际上反应了电解质溶液中的氧化剂在油膜 /电解质界面发生还原反应时的平衡电位;当油膜为离子导体时,所测得的电位值实际上反应了金属在金属 /油膜界面发生氧化反应时的平衡电位.因此,采用组合式微电极,通过对薄层油膜电位的精确测量,可以研究高阻薄膜 (如薄层油膜 )在电解质溶液中导电机制转变
Abstract:Potential variation of thin oil film in electrolyte is an electrochemical process. Conductivity transformation mechanism of thin oil film in 5% Na2SO4 solution was studied by using multiple microelectrode array. It was pointed out that there existed electronic ionic transition of thin oil film in salt solution. At the early stage of immersion in electrolyte, the potential of thin oil film shifted positively varying with immersion time. With increasing of immersion time, when the potential of thin oil film reached most positive value, it began to shift negatively. Based upon general electrochemical theory for metal/oil/electrolyte system, an electrochemical analysis of potential variation of the thin oil film was presented. It was predicted that there were two kinds of film in the thin oil film, ionic and electronic conducting film. For the ionic conducting film, potential of thin oil film measured was equal to equilibrium potential of metal oxidation at metal/film interface (E 0 a), and it had most negative value. For the electronic conducting film, potential obtained was equal to equilibrium potential of oxidant reduction at film/electrolyte interface (E 0 c), and it had most positive value. It was suggested that the method of precisely measuring the potential of thin oil film in electrolyte utilizing multiple microelectrode array could be developed to study the conducting transformation mechanism of high resistance thin film in electrolyte.
文章编号:20020303     中图分类号:    文献标志码:
ZHONG Qingdong,XU Naixin,ZHOU Guoding.Conductivity Transformation of Thin Oil Film in Electrolyte[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2002,18(3):13-18.