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中文摘要: 福克纳的意识流小说《喧哗与骚动》和《我弥留之际》,真实地表现了第一次世界大战之后美国尤其是美国南方的社会动乱与精神危机.作者致力于小说的实验与革新,在小说中运用了新颖独特的创作技巧,他将弗洛伊德的现代心理学理论和柏格森的"心理时间"学说成功地运用于小说创作之中.在运用时空跳跃和表现混乱意识方面,福克纳自成一家.同时,福克纳还大胆地采用了多层次叙事、内心独白、自由联想和蒙太奇等手法来展示人物的精神世界与意识活动.
Abstract:Faulkner's two stream-of-consciousness novels The Sound and the Fury and As I Lay Dying, manifest truly the social confusion and spirit crisis in America, esp. in the South of America after WW Ⅰ. The writer devoted to the reform of the novel, using new and particular writing techniques in his novels. He successfully introduced Freud's theroy of psychoanalysis and Pergson's psychological time theory into novel writing.Faulkner was unique in Space-time shifting and expressing disordered consciousness. Meanwhile, Faulkner boldly adopted the technique of multiple point of view, monologue, free association and montage and so on to reveal the characters' spiritual worlds and conscious movements.
文章编号:20040119 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
TONG Zhi-min,YANG Da-liang.A Tentative Analysis of Faulkner's Narrative Style in His Stream of Consciousness Novels[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2004,20(1):80-84.
TONG Zhi-min,YANG Da-liang.A Tentative Analysis of Faulkner's Narrative Style in His Stream of Consciousness Novels[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2004,20(1):80-84.