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中文摘要: 提出了将XML技术与Web挖掘相结合、根据研究者的个人需求制定个性化的Web语料挖掘系统框架和实现方案,并给出了面向法律领域的Web语料挖掘系统LawsMiner的案例.
Abstract:Corpus plays a more and more important role in modern language studies.It's worth studying on corpora mining and corpus building for the linguistists. The mining and collecting of corpora is possible for any linguist to build his own research corpus for the rapid development of computer and the Internet. This paper points out a web corpora mining system which uses XML technique in web mining to set a personal web corpora mining. A system named LawsMiner focusing on laws corpora is formulated.
keywords: Web corpora mining corpus design of system
文章编号:20040210 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
ZHANG Xiao-jun,ZHANG Ling-lan,LIU Jun.Study and Design of Web Corpora Mining System[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2004,20(2):39-43.
ZHANG Xiao-jun,ZHANG Ling-lan,LIU Jun.Study and Design of Web Corpora Mining System[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2004,20(2):39-43.