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中文摘要: 介绍了城市污水处理厂污泥处置的方法及工艺流程,分析了污泥在工业锅炉内与煤混烧时的最大混烧率和相对处理量的变化规律,得出了最大混烧率在污泥含水率较低时由混合燃料的折算灰分决定、干燥/混烧耦合工艺存在于"混烧控制区"和"干燥控制区"、在干燥控制区污水相对处理量也可能随干燥物料含水率增大而增大等结论.
Abstract:The maximum co-incineration ratio and the relative imposed sludge quantity of municipal sewage sludge with coal by using ordinary industrial boiler, especially for the coupled process of drying and co-incineration, are analyzed. The results show that the existing ideas about co-incineration of sludge with coal must be modified, i. e. first, the maximum co-incineration ratio is confined by the equivalent ash content rather than the equivalent water content, and it increases with the increase of the mass fraction of water in sludge, but the maximum relative disposed sludge quantity does not vary. Second, for the coupled process of drying and co-incineration, it consists of two distinct phases as the "co-incineration dominated phase" and the "drying dominated phase", and third, the relative disposed sludge quantity may increase with the increase of the mass fraction of water in desiccated material even in the drying dominated phase.
文章编号:20040211 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
XIONG Meng-qing,ZHANG Li-min.Analysis on Co-incineration of Municipal Sewage Sludge with Coal by Using Industial Boiler[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2004,20(2):44-48.
XIONG Meng-qing,ZHANG Li-min.Analysis on Co-incineration of Municipal Sewage Sludge with Coal by Using Industial Boiler[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2004,20(2):44-48.