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中文摘要: 以2003年上海市电力供求的基本数据为基础,对上海市电力供应侧、需求侧进行分析,并对其特点和突出问题作了归纳总结,还对上海电力短缺的原因进行了剖析,最终得出了上海电力供需安全的基本判断,为"上海城市经济运行中的能源安全研究"提供了部分研究结论.
Abstract:Based on the data of the electric power supply and demand of Shanghai in 2003, this research paper analyzes the electricity supply side and demand side of Shanghai, and summarizes the characteristics as well as outstanding problems. The reason for the shortage in electric power of Shanghai is studied. The judgement on the supply and demand security of Shanghai is obtained, Shanghai, contributing theoretically to "the safety study of the electric power in the economic movement of Shanghai".
文章编号:20050119 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
WU Da-qi,SHI Ji-yuan,YAO Xiu-ping,et al.The Study of the Supply and Demand in the Shanghai Electric Power Marker and Its Security in 2003[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2005,21(1):76-80.
WU Da-qi,SHI Ji-yuan,YAO Xiu-ping,et al.The Study of the Supply and Demand in the Shanghai Electric Power Marker and Its Security in 2003[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2005,21(1):76-80.