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中文摘要: 电厂安全性评价是综合运用安全系统工程的方法对系统的安全性进行度量和预测.确定了电厂安全性评价的指标体系,提出了应用层次灰色分析法评价电厂安全性的方法与步骤,以及电厂安全性的等级划分,并应用层次灰色分析法对电厂进行了实际评价,结论是可信的.
Abstract:The security evaluation of power plant is to measure and forecast the safety system by comprehensively using safety system engineering methods.This paper identifies the index system to evaluate the security of a power plant,proposing the method and procedures of the safety evaluation of power plants by using the hierarchy assessment method, as well as the establishment of the security grade. A real evaluation of power plant security was conducted by using the hierarchy assessment method,and a satisfactory result was obtained.
keywords: safety evaluation of power plant hierarchy gray assessment method evaluation index system evaluating grade system engineering
文章编号:20050120 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
SHI Quan-sheng,TU Na-na.The Application of Hierarchy Gray Assessment in Safety Evaluation of Power Plant[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2005,21(1):81-84,89.
SHI Quan-sheng,TU Na-na.The Application of Hierarchy Gray Assessment in Safety Evaluation of Power Plant[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2005,21(1):81-84,89.