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中文摘要: 介绍了电袋复合除尘器的机理,及其在电力行业的研究与应用.这种新的除尘方式综合了电除尘和布袋除尘的收尘优点,将两种成熟技术有机结合在一起,取长补短,通过前级电场捕集大量粉尘和后级布袋除尘捕集细微粉尘,实现了电除尘和布袋除尘的有机结合,是除尘机理和方式上的重大创新和突破.
Abstract:The mechanism of composite filter bags is introdured,as well as electricity composite filter bag in the power industry.This new method integrates two kinds of dusting methods,the traditional electric dusting and the new composite filter bag,the two mature technologies will organically combine with other former first-class field by a large number of trapping dust.The idea of the adoption of the class BAGHOUSE subtle trap dust before realizing the bag ESP dust and organic integration of the idea is the mechanism of dusting and forms a major innovation and breakthrough.
keywords: composite filter bags structure dusting principle
文章编号:20070309 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
ZHANG Xiu-kun,ZHENG Gang.The Application of New Composite Filter Bags in Thermoelectric Power Plant[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2007,23(3):236-239.
ZHANG Xiu-kun,ZHENG Gang.The Application of New Composite Filter Bags in Thermoelectric Power Plant[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2007,23(3):236-239.