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中文摘要: 在电厂的生产运行中,SOE的结论对事故的分析、判断起着重要的作用,SOE工作不正常将会误导事故分析的方向,延误分析的进程.DSOE能处理多达1500个开关量,这些点可分布在不同的PCU节点内,分辨率高达1 ms.任意两个开关量的动作时间间隔1 ms以上即能被DSOE捕捉并分辨出动作的先后顺序.对DSOE系统的原理、硬件组成、软件组态、常见问题进行分析和说明,并提出针对性的解决方案.
Abstract:The conclusion of SOE is very important to the analysis and judgement of accidents in power plants.If the SOE runs in a wrong way,the analysis direction of event will be misled,and the analysis process will be delayed.The DSOE(Distributed Sequence of Events) can process more than 1500 switch signals at 1 ms resolution,which may be distributed in all kinds of PCU(Process Control Unit) grids.This means that if there are any two of switch signals acting at more than 1 ms time interval,they can be captured and their sequence can be discriminated.The principle of DSOE,the hardware,software configuration,common questions is analyzed and presented,and purposeful solution scheme is put forward.
keywords: ABB DCS DSOE application and practice
文章编号:20070315 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
作者 | 单位 |
戴中林 | 嘉兴发电有限责任公司, 浙江 嘉兴 314200 |
Author Name | Affiliation |
DAI Zhong-lin | Jiaxing Power Plant Co. Ltd., Jiaxing 314200, China |
戴中林.关于ABB DCS系统DSOE的应用与实践[J].上海电力大学学报,2007,23(3):257-206,264.
DAI Zhong-lin.Application and Practice of DSOE in ABB DCS[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2007,23(3):257-206,264.
戴中林.关于ABB DCS系统DSOE的应用与实践[J].上海电力大学学报,2007,23(3):257-206,264.
DAI Zhong-lin.Application and Practice of DSOE in ABB DCS[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2007,23(3):257-206,264.