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中文摘要: 在当前的经济环境及国家的电力工业发展政策下,要求供电企业具有全新的电力营销管理策略.通过分析供电企业的电力营销现状,指出供电企业需要加强电力营销策略创新,建立一套新型的电力营销策略,以增加企业的竞争力.
Abstract:The present economic environment and the policy of the state electric industrial development demand that the power-supply enterprises should have the brand new electric marketing management strategies. It is believed that power-supply enterprise should strengthen electric power marketing innovation tactics after analyzing the present status of electric power marketing, and a set of new electric power marketing tactics suitable for market-driven economy development has to be built up in order to enhance the competitive edge of an enterprise.
文章编号:20080223 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
作者 | 单位 |
陈亚捷 | 上海电力学院 校建办, 上海 200090 |
崔椿洪 | 芜湖供电公司, 安徽 芜湖 241000 |
Author Name | Affiliation |
CHEN Ya-jie | Office of Campus Construction, Shanghai University of Electric Power, Shanghai 200090, China |
CUI Chun-hong | Wuhu Electric Power Company Ltd., Wuhu 241000, China |
CHEN Ya-jie,CUI Chun-hong.Reflection of Strengthening Electric Power Marketing Innovation Tactics in Power-supply Enterprise[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2008,24(2):189-191,194.
CHEN Ya-jie,CUI Chun-hong.Reflection of Strengthening Electric Power Marketing Innovation Tactics in Power-supply Enterprise[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2008,24(2):189-191,194.