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中文摘要: 实验采用自组装膜法将巯基三唑修饰在金电极上.结果表明:修饰后的金电极对对苯二酚产生明显的催化作用;扫描速率的平方根与对苯二酚氧化峰电流存在相关关系,表明对苯二酚的氧化还原反应受扩散控制;对苯二酚浓度与其氧化峰电流呈较好的线性关系,可以用来分析和检测该浓度范围内对苯二酚的含量.
Abstract:Using the gold electrode self-modified by Mercapto-triazole,the experiment produces the result that shows that the gold electrode modified by mercapto-triazole has significant catalysis on the Hydroquinone;there is a correlation between the square root of scan rate and the current of oxidation peak of Hydroquinone,which indicates that the redox reaction is a process controlled by expanding.A good correlation also exists between the concentration of Hydroquinone and its current of oxidation peak,which could be used to analyse and test the concentration of hydroquinone.
文章编号:20090613 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
ZHANG Shuang-sheng,YANG Qiu-xia,LIU Han-hu.Study on the Catalysis of Gold Electrode Self-modified by Mercapto-triazole on the Hydroquinone[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2009,25(6):575-578.
ZHANG Shuang-sheng,YANG Qiu-xia,LIU Han-hu.Study on the Catalysis of Gold Electrode Self-modified by Mercapto-triazole on the Hydroquinone[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2009,25(6):575-578.