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中文摘要: 在分析卷烟厂制丝生产线加料工序监控系统功能需要的基础上,利用组态软件设计了卷烟厂制丝生产线加料工序监控系统.该系统采用力控6.0软件开发界面,对生产控制系统的关键参数和机房温度数据进行采集,实现了实时显示、异常报警、历史数据、Web发布等功能.
Abstract:Based on the analysis of the function of Feeding in Primary Processing Line in Cigarette Factory,using the configuration software,a supervisory system is develped. Using PCAuto 6. 0 to get key data from Control System of Feeding in Primary Processing Line in Cigarette Factory. It realizes the real time display,the alarm inquiry,the historical data function and the publishing on Web.
文章编号:20120422 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
LIU Gang,WU Wen-bin.Simulation Design of Supervisory Control System of Feeding in Primary Processing Line in Cigarette Factory Based on Configuration Software[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2012,28(4):392-395.
LIU Gang,WU Wen-bin.Simulation Design of Supervisory Control System of Feeding in Primary Processing Line in Cigarette Factory Based on Configuration Software[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2012,28(4):392-395.