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中文摘要: 介绍了一种基于DSP的频率校正和基波相位校正的新方法,用于数字化并联有源电力滤波器的工频锁相.通过频率校正环节和相位校正环节分别计算出基波分量频率和初相与标准信号的误差,用以调整标准信号的频率和相位.该方法不需要闭环反馈,结构简单,其响应速度可以满足并联有源电力滤波器谐波检测以及谐波指令电流控制输出的时间要求.
Abstract:A new frequency correction and fundamental phase correction method is introduced for power frequency phase locked loop of digital parallel active power filter. It respectively calculates errors between fundamental component frequency and initial phase and standard signal so as to adjust frequency and phase of the standard signal. The method doesn’t need closed-loop feedback and the structure is simple. Its response speed could satisfy time requirement of harmonic detection and the control output of harmonic instruction current.
文章编号:20130503 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
CAO Yilong,LIU Changjiang.Realization of Software Phase-locked Loop in Digital Parallel Active Power Filter[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2013,29(5):425-428.
CAO Yilong,LIU Changjiang.Realization of Software Phase-locked Loop in Digital Parallel Active Power Filter[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2013,29(5):425-428.