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中文摘要: 介绍了一种小型离网光伏发电系统的设计方案,用户可以利用光伏阵列产生电能,经过最大功率跟踪及boost电路升压后输出电能,并经过逆变后实现交流工频输出,为用户正常供电.同时,还可将部分能量储存在蓄电池中,在光照匮乏时为用户供电.系统具有结构简单、成本低廉、容量小、可行性高等特点,具有很高的推广价值.
Abstract:A scheme to build a small stand-alone solar power systems is introduced, which allows the user to generate electricity using photovoltaic array maximum power point tracking(MPPT) and through boost circuit and inverter to output alternating AC electrical energy, to supply the user's normal power electric demand. At the same time, some of the energy is stored in the battery, which could supply the user energy when it is in lack of light. The system has the advantages of simple structure, low cost, small volume and high feasibility, and it has very high popularization value.
keywords: photovoltaic power generation system off-grid storage battery maximum power point tracking
文章编号:20140301 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
作者 | 单位 | |
程启明 | 上海电力学院自动化工程学院 | chengqiming@sina.com |
李明 | 上海电力学院自动化工程学院 | |
陈根 | 上海电力学院自动化工程学院 | |
王鹤霖 | 上海电力学院自动化工程学院 |
CHENG Qiming,LI Ming,CHEN Gen,et al.Design of a Small Stand-alone Solar Power Systems[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2014,30(3):199-202,218.
CHENG Qiming,LI Ming,CHEN Gen,et al.Design of a Small Stand-alone Solar Power Systems[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2014,30(3):199-202,218.