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中文摘要: 某1 000 MW超超临界燃煤发电塔式锅炉水冷壁在投运一段时间后,出现了管道泄漏和裂纹的现象.在充分考虑T23钢的材料性能的基础上,对该问题的原因进行了分析,并提出了应对措施,及时消除了水冷壁泄漏的隐患,为类似问题的解决提供了参考.
Abstract:There appeared pipeline leakage and crack in the tower boiler water wall of 1000 MW ultra-supercritical coal-fired power generating units after the units had been put into operation for a period of time. The problems are analyzed and the countermeasures put forward could eliminate the water wall leakage hidden troubles in a timely manner on the basis of fully considering the peculiarity of T23 steel tubes performance. Some solutions to similar problems are offered for references.
keywords: ultra supercritical boiler water wall tube leakage
文章编号:20140410 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
作者 | 单位 | |
王昌文 | 皖能铜陵发电有限公司 | ahhope@126.com |
何鹏 | 安徽电气工程职业技术学院 |
WANG Changwen,HE Peng.Analysis of the Leakage of T23 Water Wall Tube of 1 000 MW Ultra Supercritical Boiler[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2014,30(4):339-345.
WANG Changwen,HE Peng.Analysis of the Leakage of T23 Water Wall Tube of 1 000 MW Ultra Supercritical Boiler[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2014,30(4):339-345.