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中文摘要: 采用C/S架构设计与实现了教学督导听课信息管理系统,利用数据库技术管理历年教学督导及学生的评价信息,从而对高校教师的教学水平给出合理、科学、规范的分析.系统包括了历史督导信息、历史学生评价信息、教师个人成长曲线、教师教学质量评估等功能,可以快速有效、科学规范地对教学督导信息进行分析和管理.
Abstract:The C/S architecture is used in the design and implementation of the teaching supervision in class management information system, and the database technology is uesed in the management of teaching supervision and evaluation of student information over the years, so the teaching level of university teachers is analyzed in a scientific way. The system includes the functions of supervisory information, history of student evaluation information, teachers' personal growth curve, the teachers' teaching quality assessment, and realizes the fast and effective, scientific and normative analysis, management of teaching supervision information.
文章编号:20140411 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
作者 | 单位 | |
杜海舟 | 上海电力学院计算机科学与技术学院 | dullaizhou@shiep.edu.cn |
陈春莲 | 上海电力学院教务处 | |
屠志健 | 上海电力学院教务处 | |
唐忠 | 上海电力学院教务处 | |
马民勋 | 上海电力学院教务处 |
DU Haizhou,CHEN Chunlian,TU Zhijian,et al.Construction of Teaching Supervision Management Information System[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2014,30(4):346-351.
DU Haizhou,CHEN Chunlian,TU Zhijian,et al.Construction of Teaching Supervision Management Information System[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2014,30(4):346-351.