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中文摘要: 利用风能对电动汽车充电是一种有效利用清洁新能源的方法,对其进行经济性分析是研究其可行性和时效性的重要保障.将上海浦东新区作为扶植电动汽车产业的实验区,对其配套设施和运营进行了经济测算.得出以下结论:利用风能对电动汽车充电比利用火电经济,投资回收期测算为11年,且随着排污费和煤价的升高,投资回收期将会缩短.
Abstract:To charge electric vehicle by using wind energy is an effective way to consume clean new energy. Economic analysis is an important method to guarantee feasibility and time-effectiveness. Pudong New Area of Shanghai is set as the experiment area where EV industry is supported and encouraged by government, also the cost of facilities and operation are counted. Compared with the method of charging EVs by coal electricity, payback period is nearly 11 years. As the fee for pollution and coal price are getting higher, payback period will decrease.
文章编号:20150214 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
作者 | 单位 | |
何震 | 上海电力学院能源与机械工程学院 | zeus_000@126.com |
李永光 | 上海电力学院能源与机械工程学院 |
HE Zhen,LI Yongguang.Economic Analysis of Electric Vehicle Charging by Wind Energy[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2015,31(2):161-165,169.
HE Zhen,LI Yongguang.Economic Analysis of Electric Vehicle Charging by Wind Energy[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2015,31(2):161-165,169.