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中文摘要: 从电网侧、新能源侧及用户侧3种不同的应用背景出发,对储能系统在配电网中的优化配置现状进行了研究.相比于单一储能而言,混合储能具有许多优越之处.结合现阶段主动配电网下储能技术的应用情况,分析了未来储能的推广应用所面临的问题.
Abstract:The optimal allocation of energy storage system is plotted out to the three main application backgrounds with utility side, user side and renewable energy generation. Compared to a single energy storage, the main advantages of hybrid energy storage are analyzed. Combining the present study on energy storage applications in active distribution network with aforesaid materials, a brief analysis is made on further considerations needed in the energy storage application.
keywords: distribution network storage optimization distributed energy resources hybrid energy storage
文章编号:20150306 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
作者 | 单位 | |
胡荣 | 上海电力学院电气工程学院 | |
岳美 | 上海电力学院电气工程学院 | 1048542472@qq.com |
HU Rong,YUE Mei.Optimal Allocation of Energy Storage System in Power Distribution Network[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2015,31(3):223-226.
HU Rong,YUE Mei.Optimal Allocation of Energy Storage System in Power Distribution Network[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2015,31(3):223-226.