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中文摘要: 提出了基于单Z源三电平SVPWM逆变器的蓄电池充放电策略,并设计了闭环控制系统.研究了电流前馈解耦的阶段式充电、功率前馈解耦的恒功率放电,以及恒功率放电时的升压控制方法.经Matlab仿真验证,该系统可实现蓄电池充电时的限功率恒压、恒流控制,以及具有升压特性的输出恒功率并网控制.
Abstract:The single Z-source three-level SVPWM storage inverter is researched and applied into the battery charging and discharging. The battery charge-discharge control strategies based on the single Z-source three-level SVPWM inverter are proposed and the corresponding closed-loop control systems are designed. The constant voltage charging and constant current charging with power limited are realized, while the constant power discharging control with the boosted output voltage is achieved. Finally, the control strategies are verified by the simulations in Matlab/Simulink.
文章编号:20150307 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
QU Keqing,CHEN Xuhui,NIU Qingquan,et al.A Battery Charge-discharge Control Strategy Based on the Single Z-source Three-level SVPWM Inverter[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2015,31(3):227-232.
QU Keqing,CHEN Xuhui,NIU Qingquan,et al.A Battery Charge-discharge Control Strategy Based on the Single Z-source Three-level SVPWM Inverter[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2015,31(3):227-232.