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中文摘要: 为了研究直接空冷机组主轴驱动给水泵项目的技术经济性,以内蒙古某厂扩建2×660 MW直接空冷机组为例,先拟定了主轴驱动给水泵项目方案,通过投资回收期法,综合比较了1×100%容量主轴驱动给水泵方案、传统3×35%容量电泵方案、1×100%容量汽泵方案的技术经济性.经过论证,主轴驱动给水泵虽然每台机组增加初投资2 960万元,但每年运行净收入可增加5 367.7万元,不到0.6年就可收回成本,技术经济性优良.
Abstract:In order to study the main technology and economy of direct air-cooled unit driven feedwater pump project,an Inner Mongolia plant expansion of 2×660 MW direct air cooling unit is taken as an example of designing the spindle drive water pump project,through the investment payback period method,comprehensive technical and economic comparison of 1×100% capacity plan of water pump and traditional spindle drive the traditional 3×35% capacity pump scheme,1×100% capacity steam pump scheme.Through demonstration,although the main drive water pump of each unit increases initial investment of 29 million 600 thousand yuan,the annual net income can increase by 53 million 677 thousand yuan,which means the costs can be recovered in less than 0.6 years,with good technical and economic features.
文章编号:20176007 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
宁志,吴志祥.660 MW直接空冷机组主轴驱动给水泵项目的技术经济性比较[J].上海电力大学学报,2017,33(6):545-551,558.
NING Zhi,WU Zhixiang.Technical and Economic Comparison of Main Shaft Driven Feed Water Pump of 660 MW Direct Air Cooling Unit[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2017,33(6):545-551,558.
宁志,吴志祥.660 MW直接空冷机组主轴驱动给水泵项目的技术经济性比较[J].上海电力大学学报,2017,33(6):545-551,558.
NING Zhi,WU Zhixiang.Technical and Economic Comparison of Main Shaft Driven Feed Water Pump of 660 MW Direct Air Cooling Unit[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2017,33(6):545-551,558.