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(上海电力学院 能源与机械工程学院, 上海 200090)
Study on Fluctuation and Influencing Factors of Pipeline Natural Gas Transport and Distribution
(School of Energy and Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai University of Electric Power, Shanghai 200090, China)
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中文摘要: 针对高压管输天然气在阀门启闭瞬间产生的水力波动、不稳定流动等现象,以湖北某天然气门站为例,在已知天然气管网等相关设备参数的基础上,探究考证此现象对天然气管网安全的影响。一方面,通过力学方程对产生水力波动的天然气控制体进行受力分析,推导求解出最大的水力扰动压强约为0.093 MPa;另一方面,利用模拟软件RealPipe-Gas对水力波动过程进行仿真模拟,确定扰动压强大致为0.06~0.09 MPa。采用控制变量法,模拟不同变量工况下流量、管网压力、管径对波动大小的影响,分析水力波动对系统造成的影响,并给出了减轻波动的相应措施。
Abstract:In view of the phenomenon of "hydraulic" fluctuation and unstable flow generated by high-pressure pipe natural gas in the moment of valve opening and closing, a natural gas gate station in Hubei is taken as an example. Based on the known natural gas pipeline network and other related equipment parameters, the impact of this phenomenon on the safety of natural gas pipeline network is explored and verified. On the one hand, the mechanical equation is used to analyze the natural gas control body which produces the "hydraulic" fluctuation, and the maximum "hydraulic" disturbance pressure is derived to be about 0.093 MPa. On the other hand, the simulation software RealPipe-Gas is used to simulate the "hydraulic" fluctuation process. By comparing and analyzing the two results, it is determined that the disturbance pressure is between 0.06 MPa and 0.09 MPa. The method of variable control is used to simulate the influence of flow rate, pipe network pressure and pipe diameter on the fluctuation under different variable conditions, to analyze the influence of "hydraulic" fluctuation on the system, and to give corresponding measures to mitigate fluctuations.
文章编号:20192001     中图分类号:TE832;TE88    文献标志码:
WANG Chaolong,LI Qifen,YU Guangcan,et al.Study on Fluctuation and Influencing Factors of Pipeline Natural Gas Transport and Distribution[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2019,35(2):101-106,142.