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中文摘要: 针对定子绕组绝缘材料满足炉水循环泵湿定子结构的要求,介绍了亚临界火电锅炉的炉水循环泵国产化研究进程。首先,量化炉水循环泵运行中的内环境,分析内环境对材料的要求和环境参数与时间的变化关系;然后,针对国产化材料的特征进行选型分析。研究成果在投入运行后,取得与设计预期一致的效果。
Abstract:The article illustrates domestication research program on boiler circulation pump of semi-critical coal-burn power plant, mainly focusing on how domestical insulation of winding cable fits wet stator application.The research starts from quantifying internal operation condition of BCP, which defines operation requirement to domestical materials and dynamic relationship of key elements to time.Then insulation material of domestical winding cable is selected according to the quantified data.After put into operation when the paper was issued, and the reasearch findings matched expectation.
文章编号:20212007 中图分类号:TK11 文献标志码:
作者 | 单位 | |
翁建明 | 浙江浙能嘉兴发电有限公司 | |
虞儒新 | 浙江浙能嘉兴发电有限公司 | |
刘宏芳 | 浙江浙能嘉兴发电有限公司 | |
鲍丽娟 | 浙江浙能嘉兴发电有限公司 | |
戴超超 | 浙江浙能嘉兴发电有限公司 | |
沈忠明 | 浙江浙能嘉兴发电有限公司 | |
刘刚 | 浙江浙能嘉兴发电有限公司 | |
宋满 | 傲源流体技术(上海)有限公司 | marys@ayhydraulic.com |
WENG Jianming,YU Ruxing,LIU Hongfang,et al.Domestication Research on Boiler Circulation Pump of Semi-critical Coal-burn Boiler[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2021,37(2):138-142.
WENG Jianming,YU Ruxing,LIU Hongfang,et al.Domestication Research on Boiler Circulation Pump of Semi-critical Coal-burn Boiler[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2021,37(2):138-142.