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中文摘要: SO2和NOx是导致酸雨、雾霾以及造成温室效应的主要污染物之一。有效控制煤燃烧产生的SO2和NOx等污染物是绿色发展的必然要求。设计了脱硫脱硝一体化的工艺。利用臭氧将烟气中的NO氧化为易溶于水的NO2;然后通过催化激活的双氧水,将残余的NO氧化为NO2;最后引入吸收塔内同时完成脱硫脱硝。脱硫剂采用MgO代替常规的CaO。该一体化工艺的脱硫效率可达98%以上,NOx排放值控制在50 mg/m3以下,脱硫产物采用温差结晶的方式,生成的产物可作为农肥的原材料。
Abstract:SO2 and NOx are the main pollutants causing acid rain, fog and greenhouse effect.To remove SO2 and NOx from flue gas is necessary for green development.Simultaneous process for condensing dioxygen oxidation on desulfuration and denitration is designed.The ozone is used to oxidize the NO in the flue gas to easily soluble NO2, and then the catalytically activated hydrogen peroxide is used to oxidize the residual NO to NO2, which is finally introduced into the absorption tower to complete desulfuration and denitration.MgO is used as desulfurizer instead of the CaO.The desulfuration efficiency of simultaneous process can reach more than 98%, and the NOx emission is below 50 mg/m3.The temperature crystallization desulfuration products is dealed with through temperature crystallization and the resulting product is used as a raw material for agricultural fertilizer.
keywords: desulfuration denitration crystallization
文章编号:20212009 中图分类号:TK09 文献标志码:
作者 | 单位 | |
马昕霞 | 上海电力大学 | xinxiama@163.com |
孙德明 | 上海电力大学 | |
周小锋 | 上海三卿环保科技有限公司 | |
宋明中 | 上海宝武装备智能科技有限公司 | |
李永光 | 上海电力大学 |
MA Xinxia,SUN Deming,ZHOU Xiaofeng,et al.Simultaneous Process for Condensing Double Oxidation on Desulfuration and Denitration[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2021,37(2):149-153.
MA Xinxia,SUN Deming,ZHOU Xiaofeng,et al.Simultaneous Process for Condensing Double Oxidation on Desulfuration and Denitration[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2021,37(2):149-153.