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中文摘要: 选取上海市35台燃煤机组,利用2017年和2018年汞排放自行监测数据和在线监测数据,计算气态汞排放系数和排放量,并对比了气态汞排放浓度的自行监测数据和在线监测数据。结果表明,单位原料和单位产品气态汞排放系数平均值分别为0.013 5 μg/g,6.620 μg/kWh,2013—2018年上海市燃煤机组气态汞排放量平均值为451.6 kg,自行监测数据与在线监测数据有明显差异。建议将燃煤电厂汞排放纳入常规统计工作,同时加强汞排放在线监测设备的运行维护,不同分析方法对汞排放数据计算会产生一定的影响。
Abstract:Measurement of gaseous mercury coefficient and emission is conducted using self-monitoring and online monitoring data from 35 coal-fired thermal power units in 2017 and 2018 in Shanghai.The results show that gaseous mercury coefficient are 0.013 5 μg/g and 6.620 μg/kWh respectively in average.The average gaseous mercury emission of coal-fired power units is 451.6 kg from 2013 to 2018.There is obvious difference between the self-monitoring data and the on-line monitoring data.Mercury emission of coal-fired power plants should be included in the routine statistical work.Operation and maintenance of the mercury emission on-line monitoring equipment should be strengthened.The different analysis data has certain impact on the mercury emission.
文章编号:20214004 中图分类号:X831 文献标志码:
SHI Yuelong,HU Xiongxing,WU Xiaowei.Calculation of Gaseous Mercury Emission from Coal-fired Flue Gas in Shanghai[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2021,37(4):330-334.
SHI Yuelong,HU Xiongxing,WU Xiaowei.Calculation of Gaseous Mercury Emission from Coal-fired Flue Gas in Shanghai[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2021,37(4):330-334.