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中文摘要: 以光伏发电为代表的新能源在国家的大力扶持下成为了热门的研究对象,但是随着光伏发电技术的发展,出现了专业人员短缺的现象。国内外的仿真系统平台大多功能单一且不能全面地培训技术人员,更多依赖于仿真系统与书本知识的结合,加上传统的培训方式周期长,效果差,因此开发了光伏发电仿真培训系统。该仿真培训系统可以快速、高效地进行专业人员的培训,具有监控、远程网络培训、操作票模拟、正常/异常工况演示、实操考评、工况保存调取等功能,提高了培训效率,改善了培训质量,并在教学试验阶段得到了较好的结果。
Abstract:New energy represented by photovoltaic power generation has become a popular research object under the strong support of the state.However,with the development of photovoltaic power generation technology,there is a shortage of personnel.Most of the simulation system platforms at home and abroad have few functions and cannot train technical personnel comprehensively,and rely more on the combination of simulation system and book knowledge.The traditional training method not only has a long period,but also has poor effect.Therefore,a photovoltaic power generation simulation training system has been developed.The simulation training system can quickly and efficiently carry out professional training,with monitoring function,remote network training function,operation ticket simulation,normal/abnormal working condition demonstration,practical operation evaluation function,working condition storage and retrieval function.The training quality is improved,and good results are obtained in the teaching experiment stage.
文章编号:20224015 中图分类号:TM615 文献标志码:
作者 | 单位 | |
金亚飞 | 上海电力大学 | 1053282364@qq.com |
张彦琦 | 上海上电电力工程有限公司 | |
王伟敏 | 上海上电电力工程有限公司 | |
李海军 | 上海上电电力工程有限公司 | |
吴庭杰 | 上海上电电力工程有限公司 |
JIN Yafei,ZHANG Yanqi,WANG Weimin,et al.Development and Application of Photovoltaic Power Generation Simulation Training System[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2022,38(4):403-408,414.
JIN Yafei,ZHANG Yanqi,WANG Weimin,et al.Development and Application of Photovoltaic Power Generation Simulation Training System[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2022,38(4):403-408,414.