Experimental Study on Core Loss Characteristics of Offshore Wind Power Low Frequency Transformer
(1.Shanghai University of Electric Power;2.China Electric Power Research Institute)
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中文摘要: 为准确分析海上风电变压器在低频工作时不同温度下的磁特性和损耗特性,推导了不同温度和频率对变压器铁心硅钢片磁特性的影响,通过实验测得某海上风电低频变压器铁心硅钢片在不同温度、不同频率下的磁化曲线和损耗曲线,分析了低频低温工作状态对变压器运行的影响,利用有限元软件建立三维模型进行了仿真验证。然后,分析了温度为80℃时变压器分别工作在工频50 Hz和低频20 Hz状态下硅钢片的损耗曲线变化规律。最后,基于实验分析和仿真验证,得出了海上风电变压器在低频低温环境下工作损耗的一般变化规律,从而为降低变压器损耗及其设计提供了依据。
Abstract:In order to accurately analyze the magnetic characteristics and loss characteristics of offshore wind power transformer at different temperatures under low frequency operation,this paper first deduces the influence of magnetic characteristics of transformer core silicon steel sheet under the influence of different temperature and frequency. The magnetization curves and loss curves of a low frequency offshore transformer core silicon steel sheet at different temperatures and different frequencies are measured by experiments. The influence of low frequency and low temperature operation on transformer operation is analyzed. The finite element software is used to establish a three-dimensional model for simulation verification. Then,the variation law of loss curve of silicon steel sheet when the transformer works under the condition of power frequency 50 Hz and low frequency 20 Hz respectively at 80 ℃ is analyzed. Finally,based on the experimental analysis and simulation verification,the general variation law of the working loss of offshore wind power transformer under low frequency and low temperature environment is obtained,which provides the basis for reducing the transformer loss and design.
文章编号:20242005     中图分类号:TM411    文献标志码:
基金项目:国家重点研发计划资助项目 (2021YFB2401100);国家电网公司科技项目 (柔性低频输电关键技术)。
LI Xiang,LI Xiaohua,ZHAO Wenbin,et al.Experimental Study on Core Loss Characteristics of Offshore Wind Power Low Frequency Transformer[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2024,40(2):124-128.