(上海电力大学 电气工程学院)
Study of the Effect of Hydrothermal Conditions on the Resistivity and Breakdown Characteristics of Frozen-Thawed Soils
(School of Electrical Engineering, Shanghai University of Electric Power)
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中文摘要: 我国冻土面积占国土面积的一半以上,存在大量冻融土与雷暴共存区域,直接影响电力系统接地性能。首先,分析了冻融土的导电机理,构建了冻融土的导电模型;其次,设计并搭建了冻融土电阻率与电击穿特性试验平台;最后,对我国4种冻土区典型土壤和细砂进行试验,测量土壤电阻率、临界击穿场强随水热条件变化数据,并分析变化产生的本质原因。试验结果表明:水热条件对冻融土电阻率和临界击穿场强的影响可分为冻土段、冻融土混合段和融土段;电阻率ρ和临界击穿场强Ec都随着温度的升高而降低,但只在冻融土混合段发生跳变。
Abstract:China’s permafrost area accounts for more than half of the national land area, and large areas of permafrost and thundersforms coexist,directly affecting the power system grounding performance. First of all,the conductive mechanism of frozen and thawed soil is analyzed,and a conductive model of frozen and thawed soil is constructed;then,a test platform of resistivity and electric breakdown characteristics of frozen and thawed soil is designed and built,and tests on four typical soils and fine sands in China’s permafrost area are conducted,the soil resistivity and critical breakdown field strength with the change of hydrothermal conditions is measured,and the essential reasons for the changes is analyzed. The experimental study shows that the influence of hydrothermal conditions on the resistivity and critical breakdown field strength of frozen and thawed soil can be divided into three stages:pure frozen soil section, frozen and thawed soil section and pure thawed soil section;the resistivity ρ and the critical breakdown field strength Ec are both decreased with the increase of temperature,but only in the frozen and thawed soil section,a jump occurs.
文章编号:20242007     中图分类号:TM933;TM89    文献标志码:
YU Xianhu,LI Jinglong,ZHAO Wenbin.Study of the Effect of Hydrothermal Conditions on the Resistivity and Breakdown Characteristics of Frozen-Thawed Soils[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2024,40(2):135-142.