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Received:January 19, 2011
Received:January 19, 2011
中文摘要: 提出了一种联营体双边拍卖市场模式下计及输电固定成本分摊的输电定价方法,分析了在发电机节点和负荷节点的不同分摊比例对输电收益的影响。所提方法体现了输电定价原则,确保了电网固定成本的合理分摊和充分回收。经Garver's 6节点算例的验证分析,证明所提方法正确有效。
Abstract:Transmission pricing method in consideration of fixed cost apportion is proposed based on marginal cost theory in pool bilateral bidding market,different allocation rates between generation and loads have effect on transmission profit,which is also analyzed.The proposed method shows the theory of transmission pricing and ensures the transmission fixed cost rational allocation and sufficient return.Garver's 6 bus system is used to test the proposed method,which proves its efficiency and accuracy.
文章编号:20120322 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
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